Fundamentals of Building Relationships at Work
Relationships at work are key to our career satisfaction & progress. We can optimise what we do.
(Image pexels-alexander-suhorucov-6457490)

Vision Boarding - Creating a Picture of Health
Type 'Vision Boards' into your search engine and you will be inundated with images, advice, topics and tips on this popular on-trend...

Let's talk about Life Coaching
People have often asked me, "so, what exactly is Life Coaching?" In this article, as a qualified coach of some experience, I'd like to...

Travel Light
As we start a new year and the Christmas festivities come to an end, we tidy away the tree and lights, store them back in the loft and...

Making Space, through Life Coaching
For much of my younger life I held the belief that in order to bring about change, to make things happen, I needed to be feverishly...

The Wellness Wheel
What does it mean to be well? One way of looking at it, is when different aspects of life are working in harmony with one another. Just...

Self-compassion is the first step towards compassion for others. For me - associated with early times in my emotional recovery - it goes...

We Are Like Cake!
Have you ever been to a restaurant and ordered cake? There are lots of cakes to choose from on the menu: Black Forest Gateaux, Victoria...

Thoughts - How Reliable Are They?
If you have ever found yourself convinced beyond doubt by the thoughts in your head, acted on them and then wondered, "what the heck...

The Road to Success
All through life we are presented with decisions which we have to make. Sometimes we know exactly what must be done, but sometimes,...