Nutrition and Ayurveda
We live lives that are so fast and demanding that we are constantly exposed to different kinds of stresses every day. Rather than living...

Work-Life Balance
Where you invest your thoughts determines the kind of world you create around yourself. If you don't feel happy, or feel stressed with l

Pre-Natal Yoga helps ease your Pregnancy experience
There are many reasons that yoga can help a mother during pregnancy, this may be improving strength and stamina in the body or helping...

Will YOGA work for me?
If you have been thinking of Yoga and don't quite know how to choose the best approach for you, this article explains the various school

Finding Happiness Within
Many things in life make us happy but life is full of duality and the same things that can make us happy can also make us unhappy. Like...

Weight Loss - Beyond Wishful Thinking
Getting in shape, losing weight and living healthier is a goal that nearly every one of us has. There is always something we would like...

Does Acupuncture Really Work?
Acupuncture is over 3000 years old, it aims at achieving balance and harmony within the body. In Chinese medicine illness is due to the...

Marketing Yourself as Therapist in the Private Sector
Most people I talk to about independent practice are initially cautious and hopeful in equal measure. Whilst the freedom and...

Reflexology...putting your best foot forwards!
The origins of Reflexology date back thousands of years, as a tradition first practiced in ancient Egypt and China. It was Dr William...

Developing Services in the Private Sector as a Psychologist
Being Director and Co-Director of two independent psychological practices, I wanted to share a little about my journey so far. In the...