Preserving Mental Health Over Christmas
The festive season is a period many of us look forward to with anticipation, as it is often filled with great cheer, sumptious food and...

Fundamentals of Building Relationships at Work
Relationships at work are key to our career satisfaction & progress. We can optimise what we do.
(Image pexels-alexander-suhorucov-6457490)

Lockdown and Tier 4 Restrictions - to Offer Therapy Remotely or Face to Face - that is the question!
What a trying time it has been for us all, since the pandemic hit. To different degrees, we are all contending with worries regards our...

Offering Talking Therapies Safely During Lockdown and Tier 4 Restrictions...
It is no wonder that mental health issues have spiralled during the period of the pandemic. The Guardian reports on the fact that calls...

Achieving Work-Life Balance
Of all the different changes the Covid 19 pandemic has presented, the one that is believed to likely persist even after the virus has...

Career Coaching - How Can it Help?
We spend over 80,000 hours at work across our lifetime. If we’re not fulfilled at work that can have a huge impact on our overall...